उपन्यास - अद्-भूत The horror, suspense, thriller [Email this] English Version-> [Aghast]
उपन्यास - शून्य The suspense, thriller [Email this] English Version->[Zero]
उपन्यास - ब्लैकहोल The Mystery, horror, suspense Email this English Version->[Black Hole]
उपन्यास - ई लव्ह The suspense, thriller Email this English Version->[eLove]
उपन्यास -मधुराणी Story of a femine power [Email this] English Version-> [Honey]
उपन्यास - मृगजल The psychological suspense, thriller Email this

Hindi books - Madhurani - CH-19 तत्परता

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Read some selected Feedbacks -   प्रतिक्रिया 
Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?
--- BaylorBound James Walker

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  1. mai aapka naya paathk hoon.maine aapka novel adbhut pada acha laga.madhurani ke newr post ka intzaar hai.....

  2. shandar hai bhy bahut din baad aisa padh rha hu nice!!
